Thursday, December 23, 2010

Seeking for a Shaykh

It is imperative that a murid seeks a Shaykh (teacher) whom he will concentrate his attention on, to attain the benefits of zikr. If so, what kind of teacher? Shaykh Ibrahim now advises on the kind of teacher to be sought and the behavior that should transpire between this student and his acquired teacher.
C.10 Righteous Leader or Shaykh

The murid or disciple in reality seeks the countenance of Allah. This countenance of Allah has a gate which is the Prophet (SAWS), the countenance of the Prophet (SAWS) also has a gate which is the Shaykh. Allah says in the Qur`an 3:31

"If you really love (to have the countenance of) Allah, follow me and Allah shall love your
and in the Qur`an 31:15

"And follow the path of one that has turned towards Me."
Thus if you love Allah and wish for His countenance you must start your journey by seeking a complete Shaykh. A complete Shaykh is one whom on one hand knows and observes the law (Shari`at) and on the other hand knows and observes the reality (Haqiqat). The Shari`at and the Haqiqat represent the two sides of the coin. In the words of Imam Malik:
"He who practices Sufism without understanding and observing the Fiqh (sacred) corrupts his faith, while he who understands and observes the Fiqh without practicing Sufism corrupts himself. But he who combines the two has indeed proven to be true.""spirit of good moral" 

Imam Sheikh Al-Hassan Ali Cisse

(Imam Sheikh Al-Hassan Ali Cisse RA) "1945-2008" was the preeminent spokesmen of the Tariqa Tijania in recent times. He was an accomplished Islamic scholar, emerging from a long and vibrant leg of Islamic learning in West Africa. The grandson and spiritual heir of Sheikh Ibrahim Niass, he was designated by Sheikh Ibrahim as Imam of the Jama’at Nasr al-Ilm (”Community of Helping Knowledge”), the followers of Sheikh Ibrahim who are historically the largest single Muslim movement in twentieth-century West Africa

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sheikh Ahmad Tijani (RA) Founder of Tariqa Tijania

Sidi Abu Abbas Ahmad Al-Tijani was born in the Southwest Algerian oasis town of Ain Madi on the twelfth of Safar in the year 1150 (1737 C.E.). He was a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad through Fatima Zahra’s first son Hasan and later through Mawlay Idris, the celebrated founder of Morocco. His father was Sidi Muhammad b. al-Mukhtar b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Salam, a prominent scholar whose family hailed from the Moroccan Abda tribe and whose grandfather had immigrated to Ain Madi fleeing a Portuguese invasion less than a century before Shaykh Tijani’s birth. This same ancestor was perhaps one of the more renowned of the Tijani line prior to Shaykh Ahmad Tijani, and it is reported that he used to engage so much in spiritual retreat (khalwa) that he would have to walk to the five prayers in the mosque with his face covered, otherwise onlookers would fall so heedlessly in love with him that they would thereafter never be able to separate from him. Sheikh Tijani’s mother, Aisha, was the daughter of Muhammad b. Sanusi (no known relation to Muhammad al-Sanusi, the founder of the Sanusiyya), and was noted for her piety and generosity.

About sheikh Ibrahim inyass

About sheikh Ibrahim inyass
He is sheikh Ibrahim the son of sheikh Abdullah.
A great scholar and Jihadist He was born in (Thai ban yaseen) in Senegal. On Thursday 15th RaJab 1320 AH= 1900 m. After Asr.He grew up under his parents care and memorise the Holy Quran at tender Age. He Author a book in a day at the Age of 21 years. Allah bestowed him with vast knowledge of sharia and Haqiqa untill he became Second to none in the world. He portrayed a high Level of competence in the Love of the prophet (SAW) He owned the Faidhe of sheikh Ahmad Tijjan sheikh Ibrahim migrated from his home town kaulakh to a near by place and establish his madina in 1939 His First piligrimage to Mecca was in 1939 where he met the Emir of kano Alh. Abdullahi Bayero who Invited him to Nigeria He authored many books in different Islamic ways among them His popular Decwan kashiful Ilbas and live 75 years. He died in a London hospital and was buried in his madina people from all over the world troops to visit him He was addressed with many name among which is;
-Shehul – Islam
- Abu- Ishaq
- Inyas
Sheik Ibrahim Inyass was blessed by almighty Allah with many followers since the beginning of his time, as a result he left Kaulack to found his own town and his Zawiyya on Monday 16/02/1349AH.
      The construction of his Zawiyya was in a very short term. Five (5) daily prayers are been observed in the Mosque (Zawiyya) and Wazifa with Thikrullah Day and Night. However, many Sheik praise the Zawiyyat their poem and the Sheik himself ask Allah forgiveness and guidance to any person contribute in conducting the activities of his Zawiyya. May Almighty Allah blessed us to visit the Zawiyya once more. Amen.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Little introduction of Sheikh AL Islam Elh Ibrahim Inyass..

The subject of this discussion, Sheikh Al Islam Elh. Ibrahim Niass, was a knowledgeable and talented individual and the possessor of many gifts from Allah, the Almighty. But, if we were limited to describing the Sheikh in one word, we would definitely say that the Sheikh was a Muslim throughout his life, in every time, place, and situation. Most assuredly, he was a Muslim doing his best to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.